Interview with Dr Cedrick, Holistic Pharmacist

Great interview with Dr Cedrick, Holistic Pharmacist and host of the Self Care podcast. In, it we cover the gambit of topics related to acid reflux, gut health and associated diseases, its connection to stress, anxiety, depression, the importance of diet and more. Watch it on YouTube, or add it to your favorite podcast app.

Dr. Cedrick is a holistic pharmacist, public speaker, and host of the self-care forum podcast with mission to promote better health. He’s focused on empowering individuals and organizations to make better decisions regarding their health through education and resources to follow through with their health goals. He champions prevention through good nutrition. Follow him on Instagram or YouTube. 

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Don is a best selling author of 'How I Cured My Silent Reflux,' and a former acid reflux sufferer for more than 15 years. With several family members with the disease, and a medically diagnosed hiatal hernia he resigned to the fact that he would take acid blockers for the rest of his life. Dissatisfied with medical advice, he researched the root causes of acid reflux and by solving them was able to eliminate his acid reflux for good!
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10 months ago

Is CVS related to reflux?

1 year ago

I have constipation and silent acid reflux. Always feel like back of upper part of my throat is inflamed. And pain after eating right where two rubs meet in the middle. What is best pro and pre biotics for me? Thank you. I cant also take H2Blockers or PPIs cause trush in my mouth. Thanks.

Beth Gray
Beth Gray
1 year ago

I just read your book yesterday. It was like a moment of revelation after being in this cycle for about 5 years. I can’t imagine going through it for 15 years! I am just beginning my journey to health, based on your protocol. I immediately stopped taking the PPI…today actually, and found that I didn’t need it anyway. Yogurt for breakfast did the trick : ) Long story short, back at the end of 2018 I caught a bug that my doctor could not diagnose. Looking back now, I think it was covid before it was known. I was tested… Read more »

Eric Pratt
Eric Pratt
2 years ago

Great information! This has really helped me. I’ve had hiatal hernia; on PPI for 25 years; got osteoporosis from PPI use; now I’m of PPI for first time in 25 years.

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