Supplements for Acid Reflux

5 Amazing Supplements for Acid Reflux (That Work Fast!)

Tons of advice exists on the internet to help you manage your acid reflux ranging from exercise routines to diet plans. While some is helpful, most, including prescription medications merely focus on managing or reducing the discomfort caused by your symptoms. They do little to nothing to address the actual causes of your reflux.

So, to resolve your reflux, it is important to start with an understanding of the actual root causes of acid reflux. Once you understand the root causes, you can then work to eliminate them. In this post we will cover the benefits of five key supplements, two important additions to your diet, and how they can be used to eliminate acid reflux, its symptoms, and most common side effects:

  • Betaine Hydrochloride
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Essential Enzymes
  • Magnesium Citrate
  • Vitamin B12
  • High Fiber Sources
  • Fermented Foods

If you are new to this site, you should first read my How I Cured My Silent Reflux article as it explains the underlying root causes of acid reflux, its corresponding treatments, and provides the necessary context to understand the recommendations on this page. Note that the concepts in the article apply to acid reflux, GERD, and Silent Reflux. After reading that article, if you would like to learn more about the below supplements you can return to this article or get my book:

For a comprehensive / easy to follow plan, additional rationale, and the steps I took to resolve my reflux, get my #1 best-selling book 'How I Cured My Silent Reflux | The Counterintuitive Path to Healing Acid Reflux, GERD, and Silent Reflux (LPR).' Also available in audiobook!


I suffered with reflux for more than 15 years. For much of that period I took medications which managed the symptoms, albeit poorly. Ultimately, after a poor diet choice, my symptoms grew completely out of control and I entered the darkest 6 months of my life.

As I describe in my book, the constant stream of mucus, and burning pain in my mouth and lips were maddening (these are typical silent reflux symptoms). This on top of my many other symptoms held me in a borderline depressive state. It was really difficult to concentrate on anything but my symptoms, making it increasingly difficult to engage with those around me.

Ultimately a friend of the family tipped me off to the fact that the tingling sensation in my fingers was related to a B12 deficiency and that this deficiency was a common side effect of acid reflux. I was shocked! My research on this topic led me to realize the very prescription medications I was taking to manage my reflux were making it significantly worse.

The medicines do this by lowering acidity (a condition known as hypochlorhydria), which erodes digestion and enables harmful pathogens to multiply unchecked and imbalance your digestive system (a condition known as dysbiosis). Either of these conditions can contribute to the malabsorption of key nutrients. For acid reflux sufferers this is most notably Vitamin B12, Magnesium, and Calcium.

As I covered in the above referenced article there are a number of digestive tract disorders that follow, ranging of the inability to keep stomach contents contained, reduced ability to move food along the digestive tract, and reduced digestive efficiency. The onset of these issues stems from certain lifestyle, disease, and medical factors, but can be accelerated by the use of prescription and over the counter acid reflux medications.

For the remainder of this article, we will take each of the five supplements and dietary additions and discuss their individual merits. Read to the end so you learn how these supplements work together, how to sequence them and fold them into a broader three phase recovery plan The below diagram organizes each so you can better understand their function, how they are interrelated and how they can help to address the three key factors that are spawning your reflux symptoms (digestion, acidity, and vitamin deficiency).

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Medical Disclaimer: The content of this site is for informational purposes only, and to give you ideas for you and your physician to research. It is not intended as individualized advice to treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any medical condition.

Acidity and Digestion

Acid reflux is a multi-faceted disease. As such, it requires a multi-pronged approach that supports a smooth transition away from medications and that builds a solid foundation for continued healing. As you can see in the above chart both Apple Cider Vinegar and Hydrochloride span the acidity and digestion categories. However, this does not by any means make the interchangeable.

Betaine Hydrochloride (HCl) is a nutritional compound extracted from food sources like grains or beets. It is an acidic version of betaine that works in the same way as hydrochloric acid (HCl) in your stomach. This plays the role of a tactical, short term, and immediate solution to improve digestion, reset bacterial balance, and restore lower esophageal, diaphragmatic, and pyloric sphincter function. If these are new concepts to you then, or you are unclear if you may need this supplement, I again advise reading my How I Cured My Silent Reflux article.

In contrast to HCl, Apple Cider Vinegary (ACV) supplements are a longer term play. This supplement can also have a positive effect on acidity and digestion, but it is also an excellent prebiotic source, and can help breakdown biofilms and plaques that pathogenic bacteria can erect to protect themselves.. It’s not a longer term play in the sense that you should take the supplement longer than you should HCl. However, it is a longer term play in the sense that it can take time to restore your guts digestive balance so prebiotic sources are helpful to give this process a boost. Longer term, establishing and maintaining proper microbial balance will help to keep reflux from reoccurring once it’s gone. Note, that ACV is best when taken in capsule form as taking it in liquid form can be corrosive to soft tissues and tooth enamel (even when diluted). HCl may not be right for everyone. I cover alternatives in my book:

Alternatively, if you’re a do it yourselfer, I have put together a quick three page checklist that covers the three phase plan. You can get that here:

Acidity, Digestion, and Deficiency

One of the best long term plays with regards to reversing acid reflux is improving your digestive health and balance. The best way you can do this is by adding two important elements to your diet. These are fermented foods and high fiber foods. As covered in the How I Cured My Silent Reflux article, lack of food diversity is one leading risk factor to acid reflux.

This, as an overly narrow diet causes microbes that are well suited to digesting these foods to thrive, while others die off. This creates the harmful imbalance that can lead to a loss in ability to digest certain foods, indigestion, and the symptom triggering inflammation that are characteristic of acid reflux.

Eating raw / naturally Fermented foods are an outstanding way to quickly gain the probiotic benefits that would naturally come from a diverse diet. Over time this will help to rebalance your microbiome and drastically improve your digestive health and efficiency.

However, in order for any new probiotic colonies to thrive you have to feed them. The best source of nourishment for these microbes are prebiotics which are found in high fiber fruits, vegetables, and legumes. I am sure you have heard that fiber is good for digestion, however you may not know that the human body is unable to digest fiber directly. Despite this, fiber is helpful because it feeds beneficial bacteria in your gut, which play an essential role in effective digestion.

These pre and probiotic food sources are really super remedies in the sense that well balance digestive process helps extract vital nutrients that serve as building blocks to essential body function. For instance, zinc absorption is required for your body to create stomach acid.

Feel like you've done all the things and are just not seeing progress? I've helped a lot of people over the years that felt the same way. Perhaps an at home microbiome test can help break the cycle and provide the insights you need to move froward. With it, you can test your gut microbiome and receive actionable recommendations on how to optimize your digestive health with the BIOHM Gut Report.

I have arranged a 20% discount if you use the code THEACIDREFLUXGUY at checkout!

Deficiency and Acidity

If you are deficient in Magnesium, or Vitamin B12 then you may be experiencing the symptoms listed in the Treatment Section of the How I Cured My Silent Reflux article. These supplements can help provide near immediate and short term relief while you work on improving your digestion so that your body can resume extracting these vital nutrients.

Lastly, digestive enzymes can be used to boost digestive efficiency and reduce symptoms while you work on improving the longer term causes of your reflux. A healthy digestive system requires very high acidity and has a balance of beneficial enzymes and bacteria that aid in the process of breaking down food. Enzymes break down larger molecules like fats, proteins and carbs into smaller molecules that are easier to absorb across the small intestine.


On my resources page I have provided links to the specific products that I used to eliminate my reflux as well as some that are useful in managing symptoms of reflux in the short term. While there, be sure to grab my transition guide which helps to put these supplements in context of a holistic three phase plan to recovery.

Also, I am on a mission to positively impact 100,000 people this year. If I have inspired, helped, informed or otherwise assisted you in anyway, let me know by giving me a follow on any of the below platforms or join my mailing list. If I have yet to do so, then take advantage of the daily tips available on these sites!

Take advantage of my daily tips on InstagramYouTube, or join my mailing list to learn how hundreds, just like you, have taken control of their health!


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Don is a best selling author of 'How I Cured My Silent Reflux,' and a former acid reflux sufferer for more than 15 years. With several family members with the disease, and a medically diagnosed hiatal hernia he resigned to the fact that he would take acid blockers for the rest of his life. Dissatisfied with medical advice, he researched the root causes of acid reflux and by solving them was able to eliminate his acid reflux for good!
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1 year ago

Hello Don! So what if my acid reflux is only brought on by an upper respiratory infection? (No history of this every happening to me in the past.) For example, in May of 2023, I got an upper respiratory infection/virus. Immediately following that, I suddenly was stricken with acid reflux, burping constantly and upset stomach. I worked with my Naturopath to solve the issue. Or so I thought. Now, ever since then, whenever I get sick (which was often in 2023), the acid reflux returns for weeks on end. I’ve tried everything. DGL, L-Glutamine, baking soda, ACV, probiotics, elderberry, aloe,… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Don Daniels

Hi Don! Yes I’ve found that in my research. Thanks, I signed up last night, so we shall see if it helps! Thanks for replying.

1 year ago

My sister had been suffering with reflux for around eight years, and around a year ago, her doctor suggested for her to try taking vitamin B complex, and since then she started taking it. to be honest, we did not expect it to help her anyhow, but it really did, it eased her symptoms a lot, so I would suggest for people with reflux to try B complex

1 year ago

Hi I have had GERD for 30 years and I am only 50 I have been taking Nexium for most of that time but lately I have been getting worse. More severe attacks and more frequent Can you advise me what I should do?

Elvira Morales
Elvira Morales
3 years ago

I bought the book and want to transition to take the healing supplements. which products do you recommend there is so many different beitaine and ACV pills, any brand you prefer? that is safe? Thank you so much for the information you provide it brings hope to me.

3 years ago

Hello, I was wondering if we are supposed to be taking probiotics while on the program? I don’t see it in any of the steps of the program, but you have an article about choosing the correct probiotics? Thank you.

3 years ago

Hi Don, i would just like to ask for your opinion on melatonin. Did you take it, and did it help? Thanks, and i love your site.

3 years ago

Hi Don! I’ve just found your website, I’ve had GERD for about 5 months now, I completed the medical treatment but as soon as I stop taking the pills, all the symtomps came back. My doctor recommended a surgery but I think that maybe there is another way. My symptoms are the burning sensation in my chest, a lot of air burps and the acidic taste in my mouth. I also have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and in this case none of the pills worked. I’ve changed the way I eat, I don’t eat anything that it’s spicy… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Stephanie
3 years ago

Hi, my 11 year old daughter has acid reflux. She may have had it off and on for the past 3 years but the ENT doctor missed it. It became much worse when she was diagnosed with scoliosis last September and had to start wearing a back brace 23 hours a day. She is on Prevacid 7.5mg in the morning and 15mg before dinner. I have elevated her bed 10 inches. She has sore throat every morning and has a hard time with chest tightness especially at night. She is still struggling. I’ve changed her diet the best that I… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Marilyn

I just want to mention that I’ve read iron supplements can contribute to reflux.

3 years ago

Hi Don, I very recently (1 month) I suddenly began having a dry throat and heartburn. Within 2 days I could not sleep flat as the acidic taste in my mouth would wake me up. Of course, the doctors immediately said I had GERD. Two trips to urgent care (due to pain and burning tongue) later, I’m on 40 mg of omeprazole twice a day. Nothing really works (antacids, ppi, less acidic food, sleeping on a wedge, etc.) and the burning tongue and throat are horrendous at night. I took your quiz and it is likely to be silent reflux.… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Don Daniels

Thanks for your work on this and insight!!

3 years ago

Don, 15 mo. ago I had Gastric Sleeve and a repaired a hiatal hernia. I also have a history of stomach polyps found and removed with every colonoscopy. I had never had reflux before that I am aware of. I am a 68 yr old female and have lost 55 lbs since surgery. I no longer have sleep apnea. But about 4 to 5 weeks ago I began to get a sore throat every night. Not during the day at all. I also began to get an extremely hoarse voice. It is 24/7. I thought it was allergies, but after… Read more »

3 years ago

Hi Don, thanks for all the info and your hard work. I suffer from a red throat, silent reflux and burning mouth. I believe the burning is related to the throat/reflux. Do you know burning mouth as well and do you think these supplements would help me? Thank you

3 years ago

Hi Don, what if you have too much acid rather than too little. Would these supplements still help, or are they only for reflux caused by low acid?
Thank you for your help!

4 years ago

Did you ever use Gaviscon Advance for your silent reflux? I am currently taking 40mg Pantoprazole 1 time a day, Gaviscon Advance as needed, and recently started supplementing with Betaine HCI, Essential Enzymes, and ACV. I started drinking no sugar added Kefir, as well. The Gaviscon seems to help quite a bit. I have messed up the order of what you suggest in your transition guide and do not take enough Betaine HCI (only 1 at a time). I pretty much just went right to step 2 of the guide. I am still struggling quite a bit. Should I start… Read more »

4 years ago

Hi Don thanks for all the info. So after 1,5 year of me having stomach pain I decided to take on an endoscopy test. The symptoms I have along with the stomach pain is difficulty breathing ( having chronic asthma ) and also burn in chest and something like back pain/pressure which I feel it exactly in the middle of back exactly and its like a pin , maybe behind the stomach. The symptoms are really disturbing , my life has changed a lot , I even wake up at night with the pain. My doctor’s findings after the endoscopy… Read more »

4 years ago

Thanks, it all sounds inspiring, and makes sense. I’ve just started taking a ppi a few days ago and don’t notice any benefit. I think stress and anxiety has brought on the reflux the last couple of months I’ve become aware… it’s scary cos I was trying to address it with a herbalist but it wasn’t going away. I think I need to manage stress. So hard to know what to do.

4 years ago

Hi Don, thank you for this website. You mentioned that those with gastritis should not use HCI. I have had gastritis twice in ten years, so it’s a rare occurrence. Does this mean I can take HCI supplement?

4 years ago

Hi Don, I suffer from Gerd, small hiatal hernia and psoriasis. My symptoms include throat burning, chest pressure and pain, ear and jaw pain at times and more recently stomach discomfort (burning sensation sometimes). I am currently taking Prilosec but that doesn’t seem to help much especially at night (I’ve also tries so many other poi’s but nothing helps and I just get bad side effects from them. I’m considering starting the supplements you’ve mentioned and wanted to know if you’d recommend taking the HCI since I have psoriasis. Thanks for your help!

Julia St. Marie
Julia St. Marie
4 years ago

Thank you Don for your information. You have impressed upon me many things….like the need for enzymes for digestion and balance

4 years ago


I am 22 years old and about 6 months ago was diagnosed with silent reflux. Basically, I have a constant sore and red throat. I have been taking protonix and it just recently stopped working. Do you think these supplements would be helpful to me even though I don’t suffer from traditional GERD? Thanks in advance!

4 years ago

Good Morning Don – do you also recommend a multivitamin??

Yogitha Bhargavi
Yogitha Bhargavi
4 years ago


I have been suffereing from acid reflux for the past 5 months. Upper GI endoscopy shows that I have a small hiatal hernia. I am on ppis and very am eating very small meals for the reflux to be in control. Do you think your supplements will help people with hiatal hernia too? I am loosing weight and want to increase the quantity of food in my meals. Will your supplements help me do so?


Yogitha Bhargavi
Yogitha Bhargavi
4 years ago
Reply to  Don Daniels

Thanks for the Reply.

4 years ago

Thanks for your hard work!

Last edited 4 years ago by Luci
4 years ago

Hi Don, 2 months ago I was perfectly healthy, am taking small dose of meds for high blood pressure but after starting an exercise program and eating better my blood pressure was even normalizing. I felt better than I did in a long time. Then I contracted Covid about a month and a half ago. The symptoms were mild just nasal congestion and loss of taste and smell but soon after I started getting major anxiety and panic attacks. My blood pressure shot up and I went to the hospital 3 times. I was given more blood pressure medication and… Read more »

4 years ago

Hi! My 15 yr old son was born with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Reflux is typical with these babies so he was on a preventative acid reflux medication for the first year of his life. He’s never had any issues until this year. Labor Day he started having gurgling in his stomach/ chest area, severe pain in his left shoulder, and trouble breathing. We’ve gone to a GI doctor that has prescribed Prilosec for 6 weeks, but I’m not comfortable with giving him medication. His symptoms stopped completely a month after they started and then they began again 2 days… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Kim
4 years ago

I am taking the 3 digestive supplements. One pill of each with a meal and experiencing burning in my esophagus and burping where previously I had silent Gerd with the symptoms of throat clearing and a swollen throat but no heartburn. Should I be feeling the burning in my throat. I don’t know if I need more or less of the HCI Betaine. Any suggestions?

Ketrice Watts
Ketrice Watts
4 years ago

Hi Don, I have a few questions, what did you eat while taking the supplements? How long did it take to start seeing results after taking supplements and long did it take to discontinue the supplements? What do you est now?

4 years ago

Don, I’m taking the supplements and seem to have more acid reflux. Should I stop the ACV caps and see if that makes a difference?

Nyiko Nkuna
Nyiko Nkuna
4 years ago

I am still experiencing problems with my acid reflux and do have a lot of symptoms similar to what you shared in this article. My recent blood test shows that my Vitamin B12 is high and Magnesium is normally. Please help me

4 years ago

Hi Don! Thank you for sharing your story! About 2 weeks ago I started to have sore throat, chest and back pain, cough, lump on my throat, difficult breathing. It’s been horrible. I end up been at the emergency and I was told that I have acid reflux. So, I was prescribed with 40 mg omeprazole. I’m starting to feel better except at evening. However, I’ve been reading people’s experience regarding come off the ppi and the fact that symptoms would get worse. I was quite scary and that’s the reason I would like to try your method. However, I… Read more »

Chris Z
Chris Z
4 years ago

Hi Don. I have had Acid Reflux that has developed over the past several months. I have also had severe bouts of anxiety over the past several months as well. It seems pretty clear in my mind that the 2 are connected as the severe type of anxiety that I have been experiencing sounds like it can lower the acid in a person’s stomach. I am also having weeks of insomnia lately where I can’t sleep most nights. The insomnia is probably a combination of the anxiety and the acid reflux that I am having as I get the reflux… Read more »

Diane Johnson
Diane Johnson
4 years ago

Hi Don, thank you for your story. I was diagnosed with peptic ulcer from bacteria infection and put on antacid medication which I have been taken for 4 months now. The meds are making me feel horrible. Extreme gas, acid reflux, slow digestion, mood swings just to name a few. I want to stop taken the meds but afraid the symptoms would get worse, beside the supplements you suggested is there any other advice you would give being that I have an ulcer and if I start using these supplements how soon should I stop taking the antacid meds.

Caroline Baker
Caroline Baker
4 years ago

In your experience, are painful tongue and roof of mouth sores ever indicative of reflux (either silent or GERD)? Those are my main recurrent symptoms (for 35 years) that drive me nuts. I don’t have any other overt symptoms of either silent reflux or GERD however, and they get worse if I take probiotics. I know it’s crazy. But you may have very well solved my father’s myriad problems with silent reflux!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Don Daniels

Thank you so much Don. I certainly don’t expect you to have the answer. The probiotics I took were Culturelle Digestive Health (10 billion active cultures). After 8 days I couldn’t talk because of mouth pain. I don’t take reflux medicine. I would think that I have Transient Lingual Papillitis (TLP) except for the fact that the roof of my mouth also gets “scorched” feeling in places at the same time. I thought I might try aloe vera juice. But if that doesn’t help, I MAY try ACV capsules. Their increased prevalence may be due to my not following a… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Caroline

Sounds similar to the symptoms I first noticed thinking I was burning my mouth from hot food. Feel so lost with it all, just started taking ppi for it 3 days ago but seeing no improvement… despair.

4 years ago

Is it safe to use the supplements if you use an antihistamine nasal spray?

4 years ago


How long have you been reflux-free? Completely off supplements?

Can you eat ANYTHING you want now?

Thanks for your responses.

4 years ago

Hi Don, I’ve been taking the HCL and ACV for about a week, my digestive enzymes haven’t come in the mail yet. I started with 1 of each pill with supper, then a couple days later I started taking them at breakfast as well. I’m still getting reflux and have to take tums or pepto to help, is this normal? I’ve been on ppi’s for years, and am currently on pantoprazole but stopped taking it once I started these supplements. I suspect I have low stomach acid simply because every year it seems I have to take a different ppi… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Don Daniels

Thanks for your response! I started with 1 HCl and 1 ACV with dinner. Then after doing that for a couple days, I’m now doing 1 HCl and 1 ACV at breakfast, and that same amount for dinner. But I’m finding that I still have reflux daily.

4 years ago

You mention 5 supplements, but I’ve only noticed:

  1. Digestive Enzymes
  2. HCL
  3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Am I missing something?
Thanks so much for all of this info – stumbling on this has ignited hope in me getting rid of my LPR and doing away with PPIs (I’ve only been on them for one month)

Rodney May
Rodney May
4 years ago

Hi Don,   I have been diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus about 6 months ago. I have been prescribed 40 mg omeprazole twice daily. One 30 minutes before breakfast and 30 min before the evening meal. While the PPI has reduced my acid reflux to almost zero I feel it is important to see if I can reduce or eliminate the omeprazole. Would you agree? Now that I am cutting back I sometimes feel my right sinus start to drain after eating. Is that acid reflux? I have also made other life style changes that I believe has helped. Like eliminating… Read more »

Rodney May
Rodney May
4 years ago
Reply to  Don Daniels

thanks I will read your transition guide.

4 years ago

Do you need to be on a special diet in order for one of these methods to work

4 years ago
Reply to  Don Daniels

Thanks Don Is this something that I will have to continue taking or once I have it straightened out I can stop taking

4 years ago
Reply to  Don Daniels

Thanks Don

4 years ago

Thank you so much for this insight. I’ve been diagnosed with reflux about 8 days ago. N placed on PPI. But I can tell exactly when the medication wears off because I’m awoken from sleep with the burning n chest pain and sour taste in my throat. I also don’t like the tingling I’m getting in my legs since. So I’m going to definitely try your recommendations as I don’t think I should be this dependent on medication for life

Deborah Rork
Deborah Rork
4 years ago

Hi Don I have been to an ENT. He prescribed me Prilosec it might of helped a little. That was 2 years ago. Today I’m sitting here thinking what do I do. I have a constant throat clearing, cough, & recently I have been having this gagging like symptom. Kinda feels like a little pinch in my throat. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have a drink handy. Like right now it is 8:20 am I went ahead and took a Prilosec with a little water. I can feel my throat. I’m having phlegm already. Haven’t… Read more »

4 years ago

During this Quarantine I have started to have a strange feeling on my throat where it felt strained. From there I began to have abdominal pain/ bloating and constipation. Now unfortunately the pain has moved into my chest as well as my back. I was told by a doctor I had acid reflux. So I’m really hoping the digestive pills you recommended work! Because the pills they have given me have not.

4 years ago

Hi Don thank you for sharing
I have been having bad acid reflux and was prescribed omeprazole. I notice my heart racing and tingling left side of my face. I cannot eat much because of the pain.

4 years ago

I typically get heartburn in the evenings about 4 hours after dinner. It’s not a constant burn or regurgitation, but just some burping and with that, a burn sense at the base of esophagus/stomach. It is driven by carbohydrates. If I go low carb, the reflux disappears almost overnight. I did this for 1 week the other week and then reintroduced carbs again. I was fine for 3 days eating all sorts of carbs before heartburn started again. I’ve tried HCl but it seems if I take 1-2 it does nothing and I still get heartburn and I once took… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Don Daniels

I’ve been dealing with it for about 2 years now. Had an EGD done 1year ago which showed h pylori gastritis. That was eradicated with antibiotics. Didn’t help reflux at all. In fact 3 months later I developed c diff from all the antibiotics and I believe I acquired c diff from the EGD procedure. They do about 40 per day and they do BOTH ends of people all the time and they do them back to back. It’s gross. So anyway, I had to go on vancomycin for another 10 days for c diff. Since then I’ve been taking… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Sean

I should note that after the hpylori antibiotics and the subsequent c diff infection, I didn’t really have reflux for several months. I had posted that the antibiotics “didnt help reflux at all” — what I meant to say was that I am dealing with reflux today just as much as 2 years ago, however it did subside after h pylori treatment for some time (not sure how long, probably several months). This may have been due to my incredible fixation/obsession on treating/fighting cdiff and I may have just been completely ignoring any reflux, but I think it was probably… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Sean

I just tried taking 2x HCl with my meal. I took 1x with dinner last night and it didn’t seem to do anything.

It’s been about half hour and I’m feeling a stomach ache now. Wouldn’t say its a burn, its more a wrenching ache.

So apparently 2x is too many yet 1x does nothing…

3 years ago
Reply to  Sean

I am in India . How to get the supplements?

4 years ago

After starting the supplements, how long do you recommend still taking acid blockers? I’m on Prilosec OTC (self prescribed for over 10 years now) and I’m trying to find the best way to get off it so far this seems like one of the best ways! Thank you!

5 years ago

Thank you

Sean McVeigh
Sean McVeigh
5 years ago
Reply to  Don Daniels

Similar to you I have been on PPIs for years, research and current body tells me need to week off these at earliest. Last endoscopy found polyps and small duodenal ulcer. 40mg omeprazole once daily for 8 weeks to sort acid reflux, heartburn symptoms. 3 supplements or B12 and Magnesium best approach now? Thanks

Sean McVeigh
Sean McVeigh
5 years ago
Reply to  Don Daniels

I would take your advice on testing the levels as this is a good shout, so will ask doctor to set this up soon and let you know how that fairs. The only major concern I have at present is the brown saliva I bring up in morning, I don’t have it at any other time of day so seems to be a nightitme acid reflux issue. What is your best guestimate on what this could be signalling? I stop eating 4+ hours from bedtime so not sure why this would still be an issue. I asked my doctor if… Read more »

Don Daniels
5 years ago
Reply to  Sean McVeigh

For years I woke with copious saliva in my mouth in the mornings. It wasn’t brown, but it was a significant amount. What I didn’t realize until I got rid of reflux was this actually my body’s response to the reflux. I suspect this is blood mixed with saliva. For you, I suspect this is blood mixed with saliva. Guessing this only happens at night because the blood is from an irritated area of your esophagus (or gums, but I suspect you would feel if they were irritated or sensitive). To test this, try sleeping with your upper torso elevated.… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Sean McVeigh

Hi Sean, did you find the source of the brown liquid? (Yellow mixed with blood) Same thing is happening to me ever since I got LPR reflux this past month. Also found a polyp and several small ileum ulcers. Hiatal hernia as well 😫. I went to a dentist and he said I have gingivitis and inflamed gums. Do you guys (Don too)think it’s the gums being irritated from the acid reflux in the night showing up in the morning? I sleep elevated and same thing every time I wake up. My drs all think it’s the gums. Thanks

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